girls last tour is a manga by tsukumizu (often shortened to tkmiz) about two girls trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by war. it follows the characters chito (with black hair) and yuuri (with blonde hair).

this is one of my favorite animangas ever... i dont know how to put into words how awesome it is. so that is why i cant write a long paragraph talking about it but i wish i could lol

please read it!!! i strongly recommend it no matter what its too peak.... shimeji simulation is really really good too but this page is not about that of course. read both of them though, i read all of shimeji simulation (planning to reread), read girls last tour manga twice, and watched the girls last tour anime.

yuuri is my favorite character from it, and i have a cosplay of her + ita bag

also chito x yuuri is good and probably one of my favorite ships